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Motor Vehicle Accident w/ Fire - 8531 Whaleyville Rd.
Saturday, September 25, 2010

At approximately 0317 hours, Showell Fire Department was alerted to respond to a motor vehicle accident with injury. As members arrived at the station, Dispatch advised that the caller reported that the vehicle was on fire. 890 responded to the scene and advised all units that the patient was out of the vehicle which was now fully involved in flames. Trooper 4 was alerted by MSP and met 800-A1 on scene for transfer of care. Members 819, 824, and C11 manned the attack line to extinguish the flames. A dry chemical extinguisher was also used to douse the fire. After the fire was reported out, command was transferred to MSP and Showell units cleared the scene. Units on scene: Engine 803, Rescue 808, Tanker 805, and 800-A1.

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